Lemon dessert
Lemon dessert in glass was made in summertime and it is fresh and light dessert. I put it in glass because it looks elegante and it is...

Pear and berries galette
Recept za pito, ki sem jo nekaj mesecev nazaj pripravila v oddaji Dobro jutro na SLO1. Izjemno dobra pita, ki je zaradi svojega...

Mascarpone brownies
Hot or cold. Served alone or with some icecream. This brownies are delicious! -60 g chocolate -100 g butter -200 g sugar -vanilla...

Banana bread with sour cherries
Here is the recipe for banana bread with sour cherries. It is super easy and quick. You don't need a mixer for this recipe. It is the...

Strawberry galette
Delicious galette with fresh strawberries and kiwi. I shaped it in rectangular form, but you can make it as you wish, as this is the...

Angel food donut
It's time for angel food cake. I made simple angle sponge, white chocolate cream and I fried some bananas. It was delicious, sent...

Easy and fresh
Fresh, no bake cheesecake perfect for hot summer days! For my cheesecake crust I used some left over chocolate sponge. You can use graham...

Cup of love
Although I’m not really a big fan of meringue sweets, I do like this combination of meringue cups, easy homemade ice cream, sour berries...

Strawberry love cake
This recipe is for mini Valentines cake at a size perfect for two people. Recipes: Cake layer: -25 g cocoa powder -25 g water -90 g flour...

Mini chocolate donut
Recipe: -450g flour -2 tbsp cocoa powder -20g fresh yeast -50g sugar -salt -250ml milk -50g butter -1 egg In a small bowl, mix together...