Cup of love
Although I’m not really a big fan of meringue sweets, I do like this combination of meringue cups, easy homemade ice cream, sour berries puree and fresh berries.
All the recipes are super easy, so let's get baking!
Meringue: yields: 4
-2 egg yolks
-120 g granulated sugar
-1/2 tsp vinegar
First you have to make sure your bowl and the whisk are completely clean and grease free. To make sure I like to clean them with a paper towel and bit of vinegar. Also turn your oven on 180°C.
Now that the bowl is ready place in you egg whites. Beat them at medium speed until lightly fluffy and then start adding sugar. Use a table spoon to add the sugar; do not throw it in all at once!
Keep beating until it forms stiff peaks and majority of sugar has dissolved. If you are afraid to over whip the egg yolks, you can add some cream of tartar.
After around 6-7 minutes when egg whites are ready, you can add in vinegar and fold in slowly, using spatula.
Transfer batter in a piping bag in which you have already put star piping nozzle.
Pipe four 8-9 cm wide cups on a baking tray lined with baking paper. First pipe the bottom and then sides.
Place baking tray in the preheated oven and then immediately turn it down to 150°C. Bake for 30 minutes and then turn the oven off. Leave meringue cups in the oven for another 30 minutes and then open the oven door. Let cups cool down completely in the oven.
Homemade ice cream:
-100 ml condensed milk
I made my one. It is super easy and very quick. You need 500 ml of milk, 100 g granulated sugar and ½ tbsp of butter. Use some non stick pan, add in milk and sugar and cook for around 15-20 minutes on high. Make sure to stir all the time, so the milk won't burn. It's ready when the milk gets a bit yellow and thick. That means that the sugar has caramelized. Last add in butter and transfer in a jar. This recipe gives you 200-250 ml of condensed milk.
-300 ml whipping cream
-6 tbsp berries puree
You simply cook berries until they get soft. Then you blend well and push through fine sifter. If necessary cook it a bit more, so you get nice thick puree. I personally do not like to add any sugar, but if it's to sour for your taste, you can.
To make ice cream you just mix together condensed milk and berries puree. In a different bowl whip the whipping cream and then mix everything together. Put in a freezer overnight.
Finally all we have to do is assemble everything together. In meringue cup I first put 2 tsp of berries puree then I added 1 scoop of ice cream and topped with fresh blueberries and some strawberries.

Beljakove posodice: za 4 osebe
-2 beljaka
-120 g sladkorja
-polovica žličke kisa
Prvo si prižgimo pečico na 180°C.
Pri pripravi beljakovih sladic je vedno nujno pomembno da imamo posodo ter metlico zelo čisto. Da je brez mastnih delčkov poskrbimo tako, da vse dobro obrišemo s papirnato brisačo ki smo jo rahlo namočili s kisom.
Ko je posoda čista vanjo vlijemo beljake ki jih na srednji hitrosti mešamo da se nam rahlo spenijo. Nato počasi dodajamo sladkor. Pomagamo si z žlico in pazimo da ne vsujemo vsega sladkorja na enkrat. Maso nato približno 6-7 minut mešamo na visoki hitrosti in pazimo da je ne stepemo preveč. Mešamo toliko časa dokler masa na konici metlice ne stoji trdno. Nato masi dodamo kis, ki ga s plastično lopatko počasi vmešamo. Maso prestavimo v dozirno vrečko ki smo ji že dodali zvezdnato konico, nato pa na pekač prekrit s peki papirjem nabrizgamo 4 velike košarice. Širina ene je približno 8-9 cm. Najprej nabrizgamo dno nato pa stranice.
Pekač nato damo v pečico, ki jo takoj znižamo na 150°C. Pečemo 30 minut, nato pa pečico sklopimo. Pekač pustimo v pečici še 30 minut, nato odpremo vrata pečice ter pustimo da se posodice popolnoma ohladijo.
Domač sladoled:
-100 ml kondenziranega mleka
Pripravila sem ga sama. Hitra in lahka rešitev, saj ga pri nas težko dobimo. Potrebujemo 500 ml mleka, 100 g sladkorja ter žličko masla. V posodo z debelejšim dnom vlijemo mleko s sladkorjem. Na najmočnejšem ognju kuhamo 15-20 minut, pri tem pa konstantno mešamo, da se mleko ne prime dna. Mleko je pripravljeno ko rahlo potemni in se zgosti. To pomeni da je sladkor karameliziral. Dodamo maslo. Mleko vlijemo v posodico in pustimo da se ohladi. Dobili bomo nekje od 200-250 ml kondenziranega mleka.
-300 ml sladke smetane
-6 žličk pireja iz gozdnih sadežev
Priprava pireja je preprosta. Kuhamo ga toliko časa, dokler se ne zmehča. Nato ga dobro zmiksamo, presejemo skozi fino cedilo ter po potrebi še kuhamo, dokler ne dobimo goste mase. Po želji lahko dodamo sladkor, vam pa svetujem da ga tu izpustite, saj se kislost lepo poda drugim okusom.
Za pripravo sladoleda najprej zmešamo skupaj ohlajeno kondenzirano mleko ter sadni pire. V drugi posodi stepemo sladko smetano nato pa vse skupaj zmešamo in postavimo v zamrzovalnik čez noč.
Sladico sestavimo tako, da v beljakovo posodico najprej damo 2 žlički pireja iz gozdnih sadežev, nato eno kroglico sladoleda, zraven pa damo še koščke svežih jagod ter borovnic.