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Strawberry galette

Delicious galette with fresh strawberries and kiwi. I shaped it in rectangular form, but you can make it as you wish, as this is the beauty of galette.



-190 g flour

-50 g sugar

-pinch of salt

-120 g butter

-60 ml ice water

In a big bowl mix together flour, sugar and salt. Take butter from fridge and cut it into smaller pieces. While still cold place it in a bowl with flour mixture. Using your fingers carefully mix everything together resembling bread crumbs. Then add ice cold water and mix with wooden spoon. Do not over mix! Place it on your working surface and press the dough together in a ball. Wrap in plastic foil and refrigerate for minimum 30 minutes.

Meanwhile you have to prepare the filling. I used 150 g of fresh strawberries and one kiwi. Wash them and slice into smaller pieces as you prefer. Sprinkle the fruit with some vanilla sugar and set aside.

Roll out the dough in any shape you like. The best way is to roll it on a parchment paper on which you are going to bake the galette. Then place fruits on the dough, leaving 2 cm of edge around it. Then simply roll the edges over. I brushed them with melted butter and sprinkle with vanilla sugar. You can also use egg wash.

Bake galette for 35-40 minutes on 220°C.

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Tokrat sem pripravila tako imenovano galette torto oziroma pito. Izraz je francoski, prevedeno je pa kot nekakšen velik piškot ali hrustljava torta. Nadevala sem jo z svežimi jagodami ter kivijem.



-190 g moke

-50 g sladkorja

-ščepec soli

-120 g masla

-60 ml ledene vode

V veliki posodi skupaj zmešamo moko, sladkor ter sol. Mrzlo maslo vzamemo iz hladilnika ter ga narežemo na manjše koščke. Te vržemo v posodo z moko in jih z rokami vmešamo. Delamo čim hitreje, da se maslo ne stopi preveč, saj moramo dobiti maso podobno drobtinicam. Nato dodamo vodo in vse skupaj rahlo premešamo s kuhalnico.

Maso nato stresemo na delavno površino in jo brez mešanja stisnemo v kroglo. Položimo jo na prozorno folijo in zavito postavimo v hladilnik za minimalno 30 minut.

V tem času si pripravimo nadev. Uporabila sem 150 g svežih jagod ter en kivi. Sadje operemo, olupimo in zrežemo na poljubne koščke. V posodi ga potresemo z vaniljevim sladkorjem in postavimo na stran.

Biskvit razvaljamo na debelino 2-3 mm. Najlažje je, če ga razvaljamo na peki papirju, na katerem pozneje tudi pečemo.

Razvaljamo v poljubno obliko. Nato testo obložimo s sadjem tako, da pustimo 2 cm roba praznega. Tega nato prepognemo čez sadje in premažemo. Sama sem premazala z malo stopljenega masla, lahko pa uporabite tudi jajce. Na koncu robove potrosimo z vaniljevim sladkorjem.

Galette pečemo 35-40 minut pri 220°C.

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