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Mini chocolate donut


-450g flour

-2 tbsp cocoa powder

-20g fresh yeast

-50g sugar


-250ml milk

-50g butter

-1 egg

In a small bowl, mix together lightly warmed milk, sugar and yeast. Let it sit in a warm place for few minutes, until the yeast has proofed. In a big bowl sift together flour, cocoa powder and salt. Add in yeast mix, melted butter and egg. Keep mixing the dough for around 5 minutes using dough hook. After 5 minutes, transfer the dough into lightly oiled bowl. Cover the bowl with clean towel and place in a warm place to proof for 30 minutes or until double in size. I like to put it in the oven which is turn on the minimum heat. After the dough has proofed mix it a bit in a bowl and then cut away little pieces. Roll them in your hand making them nice and round. Make enough to fit into hot oil. Do not let then proof one more time or they will absorb too much oil! Fry in hot oil, around 170-180°C, for about 4 minutes. Transfer them on a paper towel to get rid of any excess oil and let them cool. I then filled them with nutella and dust with confectioner’s sugar.

This recipe gives you quite a lot mini doughnuts. Around 40 to 50, depending on the size.



-450g moke

-2 žlici kakava v prahu

-20g svežega kvasa

-50g sladkorja


-250ml mleka

-50g masla

-1 jajce

V majhni posodici si najprej pripravimo kvasni nastavek. Zmešamo 20 gramov svežega kvasa, sladkor ter rahlo ogreto mleko. Pustimo delovati nekaj minut, da se kvas aktivira in se lepo napihne. V večji posodi si ta čas pripravimo moko, kakav ter ščepec soli. Dodamo stopljeno maslo, jajce ter kvasni nastavek in vse skupaj dobro miksamo približno 5 minut z nastavkom za testo. Nato si pripravimo drugo večjo posodo, ki jo rahlo premažemo z oljem, nato pa vanjo postavimo testo. Pokrijemo s čisto krpo in pustimo vzhajati približno 30 minut ali dokler testo ne podvoji svoje velikosti. Sama najraje postavim posodo kar v pečico, ki je ogreta na minimum. Ko nam je testo dovolj naraslo ga v posodi na hitro zmešamo. S prsti odščipnemo majhne koščke testa in v dlaneh naredimo majhne kroglice. Testo takoj postavimo v segreto olje. Ne dovolimo da nam še enkrat vzhajajo, saj drugače vpijejo preveč olja. Mini krofe cvremo približno 4 minute pri 170-180 °C.

Ko so krofi dobro ohlajeno jih napolnimo z nutello nato pa posujemo z sladkorjem v prahu.

S to količino bomo dobili približno 50 majhnih krofov.



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