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Easy and fresh

Fresh, no bake cheesecake perfect for hot summer days!

For my cheesecake crust I used some left over chocolate sponge. You can use graham crackers or some vanilla sponge. I normally use the things that were left from previous bakes. Recipe:


-25 g cocoa powder

-25 g water

-90 g flour

-pinch of salt

-pinch of baking soda

-pinch of baking powder

-90 g butter

-115 g sugar

-1 egg

-vanilla extract

-tbsp sour cream

First you boil the water and mix in cocoa powder and end up with a thick paste. Set aside to cool off.

In a smaller bowl heat the butter and sugar. I do it in microwave, just for 30 seconds, so the butter is soft but not melted! Put it in a bigger bowl and mix until fluffy and pale. Then add in 1 egg and mix well. After the egg is well combined, add in chocolate paste and mix again. In a separate bowl sift together flour, salt, baking soda and baking powder. Put half of flour mix into the batter and mix. Then add sour cream, mix well and then the remaining flour. Mix well so there will be no lumps.

Although the recipe is for cupcakes, for this dessert I baked it in cake tray. It took 35 minutes at 180 °C.


-175g Philadelphia

-175g Mascarpone

-4 egg yolks

-100 g granulated sugar

-30 ml water

-350 ml whipping cream

-125 ml fresh lemon juice

-1 pack of gelatin mix

In a big bowl mix together Mascarpone and Philadelphia. Add in lemon juice and cream everything together using your mixer.

To prepare your egg and sugar mixture you have to melt your sugar. In a sauce pan mix together water and sugar and cook for couple of minutes. Make sure not to caramelize it! After the sugar has dissolved, set aside for 1 minute. While waiting for sugar to cool off a bit, you can beat your egg yolks. After a minute you can start slowly adding sugar. Keep mixing with your mixer constantly while adding sugar.

Add egg mixture in a bowl with Mascarpone and Philadelphia. I like to run in through sift to prevent any crystallized sugar to go in the final cake.

Mix everything together and then add in already whipped whipping cream. You just need to add in your melted gelatin.

How to assemble:

First you have to crumble your chocolate cake and add in some butter. Put it in a pan and press it down very well. I then put some fresh berries on this chocolate layer, but it is optional. Then you just have to pour cheese mixture on top and let cool in the fridge overnight. For decoration I used raspberry puree with lemon juice and some fresh blueberries.


Sirna tortica, svežega okusa, primerna za tople dneve! za spodnjo plast sem uporabila čokoladni biskvit, lahko pa uporabimo tudi kakšne piškote, vaniljev biskvit,… sama največkrat uporabim kar tisto, kar imam pri roki ali tisto, kar mi ostaja pri drugih sladicah.



-25 g kakava v prahu

-25 g vode

-90 g moke

-ščepec soli

-ščepec sode bikarbone

- ščepec pecilnega praška

-90 g masla

-115 g sladkorja

-1 jajce

-vaniljev ekstrakt

-žlica kisle smetane

Najprej zavremo vodo in ji dodamo kakav v prahu. Dobro premešamo da dobimo gosto pasto.

V manjši posodi zmešamo maslo ter sladkor in za 30 sekund postavimo v mikrovalovno pečico. Pazimo da masla ne stopimo, le zmehčamo. Nato maslo s sladkorjem preložimo v večjo posodo v kateri miksamo, dokler masa ne postane svetlejše barve in polna zraka. Dodamo jajce in dobro zmešamo. Nato dodamo ohlajeno čokoladno pasto in zopet zmiksamo. V manjšo posodo skupaj presejemo moko, sol, sodo bikarbono ter pecilni prašek. Polovico mešanice dodamo masleni mešanici ter dobro zmiksamo. Nato dodamo kislo smetano, premešamo ter dodamo še ostalo moko. Vse skupaj temeljito zmiksamo, da se znebimo vseh grudic. Maso prelijemo v pekač ter pečemo 35 minut pri 180°C.

Kremni del:

-175g Philadelphia sirnega namaza

-175g mascarpone sira

-4 rumenjaki

-100 g sladkorja

-30 ml vode

-350 ml smetane za stepanje

-125 ml svežega limoninega soka

-1 paketek želatine

V veliki posodi skupaj zmešamo Philadelphijo ter mascarpone. Dodamo limonin sok ter vse skupaj dobro zmiksamo z mešalnikom.

Za pripravo jajčne zmesi moramo v posodi najprej stopiti sladkor in vodo. Traja nekaj minut, paziti pa moramo, da sladkorja ne karameliziramo. Ko je sladkor raztopljen, pustimo počivati 1 minuto, da se rahlo ohladi. V tem času si v drugi posodi stepemo 4 rumenjake, ki jim nato zelo počasi dodajamo stopljen sladkor, pri tem pa konstantno mešamo z mešalnikom.

Ko je jajčna masa pripravljena, jo skozi cedilo precedimo v kremno maso ter dobro premešamo. Nato masi dodamo stopljeno želatino ter stepeno smetano in vse skupaj dobro premešamo.

Tortico skupaj sestavimo tako, da si zdrobljen čokoladni biskvit zmešamo z malo stopljenega masla. Dobro premešamo nato pa vsujemo v pekač, kateremu lahko odstranimo stranice. Biskvit dobro potlačimo na dno, lahko si pomagamo s kozarcem ter žlico. Sama sem nato dodala tudi sveže maline, ki sem jih položila ob robu pekača. Nato v pekač vlijemo maso ter pustimo počivati v hladilniku čez noč.

Za dekoracijo sem uporabila sadni pire iz malin in limoninega soka ter sveže borovnice.


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