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Strawberry love cake

This recipe is for mini Valentines cake at a size perfect for two people.


Cake layer:

-25 g cocoa powder

-25 g water

-90 g flour

-pinch of salt

-pinch of baking soda

-pinch of baking powder

-90 g butter

-115 g sugar

-1 egg

-vanilla extract

-tbsp sour cream

This recipe is one of my favorite for cupcakes. Recipe is not mine, I found it couple years ago on Martha Stewart site and I wouldn't change it a bit since it is pure perfection!

First you boil the water and mix in cocoa powder and end up with a thick paste. Set aside to cool off.

In a smaller bowl heat the butter and sugar. I do it in microwave, just for 30 seconds, so the butter is soft but not melted! Put it in a bigger bowl and mix until fluffy and pale. Then add in 1 egg and mix well. After the egg is well combined, add in chocolate paste and mix again. In a separate bowl sift together flour, salt, baking soda and baking powder. Put half of flour mix into the batter and mix. Then add sour cream, mix well and then the remaining flour. Mix well so there will be no lumps.

Although the recipe is for cupcakes, for this dessert I baked it in cake tray. It took 35 minutes at 180 °C.


-250 ml milk

-20 g butter

-50 g sugar

-1 vanilla been

-70 g white chocolate

-1 egg yolk

-1/2 whole egg

-20 g cornstarch

-1/2 pack of gelatin

-300 ml whipping cream

In a small bowl, mix together eggs, cornstarch and sugar.

In a saucepan, heat together milk, butter and vanilla. Cut vanilla been horizontally and take the seeds out and throw it all in milk. Heat until butter is melted but don't boil it. Take big spoon and pour some milk into egg mixture so it heats up a bit. Then slowly pour egg mixture into hot milk and stir constantly. Keep cooking cream over medium to high heat until it become thick. It will take about 6-7 minutes.

When cream is thick take it away from heat and add in chopped chocolate. Keep stirring until it's all melted and nicely combined. Cover with plastic wrap and let it cool down.

It will take couple of hours, so you can do this part the day before.

In a big bowl, mix whipping cream to soft peaks. Prepare the gelatin. Combine whipped cream and chilled chocolate cream. After it's well combined add in gelatin.

Berries puree:

-frozen berries

Although you can't see there is a surprise inside the cake. Silly me forgot to take the picture of the inside.

You simply cook berries until they get soft. Then you blend well and push through fine sifter. If necessary cook it a bit more, so you get nice thick puree. I personally do not like to add any sugar, but if it's to sour for your taste, you can.

You will also need some fresh strawberries and some decorations. I used some cake dust. I have it stored for occasions like that. I baked my red velvet cupcakes, dried them, blended well in sift through fine sifter couple of times.

How to assemble:

1. Take you cutter. I used 8 cm round cutter. Cut two chocolate cake layers. Then put acetate strip in the same cutter and put in the first layer.

2. Take your already prepared strawberries and stack them side by side all the way around the edge.

3. Put cream into piping bag and pipe around strawberries so they will be pushed to the sides.

4. Fill the center of dessert with 2 tsp of berries puree. Then use piping bag filled with cream to cover the rest of strawberries and puree. Try to make it as flat as possible and let cool down in fridge for minimum 1 hour.

5. Decorate with cake dust and some fresh strawberries. I think it is the perfect combination between sweet cream, sour puree and rich chocolate cake.

I honestly think it is one of the best things I have ever made :) I hope you will enjoy this recipe with your better half, your friends, family or on your own :) Hey, there's more for you! :)


Recept na valentinovo sladico, primerno za dve osebi.



-25 g kakava v prahu

-25 g vode

-90 g moke

-ščepec soli

-ščepec sode bikarbone

- ščepec pecilnega praška

-90 g masla

-115 g sladkorja

-1 jajce

-vaniljev ekstrakt

-žlica kisle smetane

Eden mojih najljubših receptov, ki je sicer za cupcakes ampak ravno tako gre lahko za torico. Recept ni moj, sem ga namreč nekaj let nazaj dobila na spletni strani Marthe Stewart in ga ne zamenjam za nič, saj se s perfekcijo ni za hecat.

Najprej zavremo vodo in ji dodamo kakav v prahu. Dobro premešamo da dobimo gosto pasto.

V manjši posodi zmešamo maslo ter sladkor in za 30 sekund postavimo v mikrovalovno pečico. Pazimo da masla ne stopimo, le zmehčamo. Nato maslo s sladkorjem preložimo v večjo posodo v kateri miksamo, dokler masa ne postane svetlejše barve in polna zraka. Dodamo jajce in dobro zmešamo. Nato dodamo ohlajeno čokoladno pasto in zopet zmiksamo. V manjšo posodo skupaj presejemo moko, sol, sodo bikarbono ter pecilni prašek. Polovico mešanice dodamo masleni mešanici ter dobro zmiksamo. Nato dodamo kislo smetano, premešamo ter dodamo še ostalo moko. Vse skupaj temeljito zmiksamo, da se znebimo vseh grudic. Maso prelijemo v pekač ter pečemo 35 minut pri 180°C.


-250 ml mleka

-20 g masla

-50 g sladkorja

-1 vaniljev strok

-70 g bele čokolade

-1 rumenjak

-1/2 jajca

-20 g koruznega škroba

-1/2 paketka želatine

-300 ml sladke smetane

V manjši posodi skupaj zmešamo jajca, sladkor ter koruzni škrob. Na močnem ognju segrejemo mleko, maslo ter vaniljev strok, ki ga prerežemo po dolžini in mu odstranimo semena. Te skupaj s strokom postavimo v mleko. Segrevamo dokler se maslo ne stopi, pazimo da mleko ne zavre. Z žlico vlijemo v jajčno mešanico nekaj vročega mleka, nato pa jajčno maso počasi vlijemo v mleko. Pred tem odstranimo vaniljev strok. Mešamo dokler se masa ne zgosti. Maso nato prelijemo v drugo posodo in pokrijemo s prozorno folijo za živila ter pustimo da se dobro ohladi. Ker bo za to potrebnih nekaj ur, lahko kremo pripravimo že dan prej.

Po navodilih si pripravimo želatino, v večji posodi pa stepemo sladko smetano. To nato zmešamo skupaj z ohlajeno kremo, nato pa dodamo želatino.

Pire iz gozdnih sadežev:

-zmrznjeni gozdni sadeži

Čeprav tega ne vidimo, saj sem namreč sredino tortice pozabila fotografirati, se v sredini skriva presenečenje. Priprava pireja je preprosta. Kuhamo ga toliko časa, dokler se ne zmehča. Nato ga dobro zmiksamo, presejemo skozi fino cedilo ter po potrebi še kuhamo, dokler ne dobimo goste mase. Po želji lahko dodamo sladkor, vam pa svetujem da ga tu izpustite, saj se kislost lepo poda drugim okusom.

Potrebujete le še dekoracijo po vaši želji. Sama sem uporabila biskvitni prah, ki sem ga izdelala iz Red Velvet cupcaksov. Posušene cupcakes sem zmiksala, jih nekajkrat presejala skozi drobno cedilce in tadam, prah je narejen.

Tako, tortico lahko sestavimo.

Najprej s modelčkom izrežemo kroge v biskvitu. Sama sem uporabila okrogle modelčke s premerom 8 centimetrov. Nato si notranjo stran modelčka obložimo s acetatno folijo ter na dno potisnemo prvi sloj, čokoladni biskvit. Nato ob straneh postavimo polovičke jagod, ki jih stisnemo eno zraven druge. Da se nam jagode ne premikajo jih fiksiramo s kremo, ki smo jo za lažje doziranje napolnili v vrečko za doziranje. Nato v sredino tortice damo dve žlički sadnega pireja, vse skupaj pa prekrijemo z kremo. Potrudimo se da naredimo vrh tortice raven.

Za dekoracijo sem uporabila tortni prah, sami pa si lahko tortico okrasite tudi kako drugače. Za dekoracijo sem zraven priložila še svežo jagodo


Lep dan ljubezni! :)


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