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Look at my buns!

Sorry guys for being so late. It has been a busy week with all my classes.

Busy but so much fun! :) This week’s recipe is for my delicious, soft, yummy, oh my goood buns. The idea was to make them taste and smell like apple strudel. So here is the recipe for my APPLE STRUDLE BUNS! Recipe:

-300 ml milk

-vanilla extract

-40 g butter

-140 g sugar

-40 g fresh yeast

-4 eggs

-600 g flower+ 100 g

First you sift flower in a big bowl.

In a smaller bowl lightly heat the milk, adding sugar, vanilla and yeast. Keep it in a warm place till the yeast proof.

Meanwhile melt your butter.

After the yeast is ready, add it in the flower and mix a bit. Then add in the butter and eggs. Mix it in medium speed for about 8 minutes and then transfer into a big greased bowl.

The dough is super sticky but don't worry. It's supposed to look like that ;)

To proof nicely I usually stick it in an over that is barely heated. On lowest it can be! I let it proof twice for 1 hour. Slightly mixing it after the first hour.


-250 g butter

-150 g brown sugar

-cinnamon powder

-3-4 pealed apples

Peel and slice apples, then put them on a stove and cook until very soft. Also add in the cinnamon. Mix them with a fork, so you get rid of every big chunks.

Set aside to cool.

In a separate bowl melt the butter then add in brown sugar.

When the dough is nicely risen, slowly add in the extra 100 g of flower, or as little as you need for the dough not to be sticky.

Flower your working space and roll out the dough about half of centimeter thick. Cover the whole surface with butter and sugar, and then add our cooked apples.

As you can see I made them look like rolls. So they are actually rolled buns :) But you can shape them as you like.

Before sticking them in the oven, slightly coat them with cream.

Bake at 180°C, for 20-25 minutes.

Enjoy! :)

Heej! Veseli december je pri meni res zelooo vesel, kar je tudi razlog, zakaj mi vedno zmanjkuje časa in sem pozna z objavami. Ampak vem, da imam dober razlog, saj sem v prejšnjem in tem tednu delila svoje znanje na slaščičarskih delavnicah!

Jeej, zame :)

Da se vam malo oddolžim, sem vam tokrat pripravila recept za super duper dobre in nenormalno mehke buhteljčke, ki sem jih zmešala z okusi jabolčnega štrudlja.


-300 ml mleka

-vaniljev ekstrat

-40 g masla

-140 g sladkorja

-40 g svežega kvasa

-4 jajca

-600 g moke+ 100 g

Najprej si v večjo posodo presejemo moko.

V manjši posodi rahlo ogrejemo mleko, dodamo sladkor, nato pa kvas. Da nam kvas lepo vzhaja, imamo posodo na toplem mestu.

Med čakanjem da nam kvas vzhaja, lahko v manjši skodelici stopimo maslo.

Ko je kvas pripravljen, ga vlijemo v moko, ter rahlo premešamo, nato pa dodamo jajca, in nato maslo. Približno 8 minut mešamo na srednji hitrosti. Ko je masa dobro premešana, jo prestavimo v namaščeno veliko posodo, v kateri bo testo vzhajalo. Zdelo se vam bo, da je testo premehko, ampak nič bat. Mora biti tako! Sama ga vzhajam dvakrat po eno uro, vmes pa ga malo premešam.


-250 g masla

-150 g rjavega sladkorja

-cimet v prahu

-3-4 jabolka

Jabolka olupimo in razrežemo na kocke. Postavimo jih v kozico, dodamo cimet in kuhamo dokler ne postanejo mehke, nato jih z vilico rahlo zmečkamo. V drugi posodi stopimo maslo in mu dodamo sladkor.

Ko nam je testo drugič vzhajalo, dobro pomokamo delavno površino, nato pa testo prestavimo iz posode. Tu bomo uporabili tistih dodatnih 100 g moke. Ker je testo super mehko, mu počasi dodajamo moko in sproti gnetemo. Dodamo toliko moke, kolikor je potrebno, da se nam testo ne bo več lepilo na prste.

Razvaljamo ga na debelino pol centimetra, najprej premažemo z maslom in sladkorjem, nato pa dodamo jabolka. Sama sem naredila buhtlje v obliki polžkov, sami pa jih lahko poljubno oblikujete. preden buhtlje postavimo v ogreto pečico jih narahlo premažemo s sladko smetano.

Pečemo jih pri 180°C, približno 20-25 minut. Uživajte!




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