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It smells like Christmas!

It's December! And I couldn't be happier :) Yes, it's my favorite time of the year. I love the smell of it and the whole spirit. Plus my birthday is coming next week! :) I have decided to do Christmas inspired and flavored recipes. First recipe is chocolate pie. Recipe: Bake on 180 degrees celsius

For the crust:

-2 cups of flour

-3 tbsp of cocoa powder

-3 tbsp granulated sugar

-6 ounces of butter

-1/3 cup of fresh juice

-orange zest

First we mix all dry ingredients in a big bowl. After combined, we add in cold butter cut in small pieces. With our hand we break the butter and combine it with dry ingredients to get crumbs. After that we add orange zest and juice. We make sure not to overwork the dough. Just press it together, wrap in plastic foil and put in fridge to rest for 45 minutes. For the filling:

-1 cup of heavy cream

-1/2 cup of milk

-10 ounces of chocolate (semisweet or mixed with milk chocolate)

-2 tbsp granulated sugar


-2 eggs

-cinnamon and ginger powder

First you chop chocolate into small pieces and put them in a bowl. Add sugar and spices.

You combine cream with milk and heat them in the microwave. After 45 sec, or when the mix is almost boiling, pour it over chocolate. Stir it until smooth. In a separate bowl, beat eggs, until light in color and full of air. Gently fold in chocolate, after it has cooled a bit.

Thin ganache:

-50 g semisweet chocolate

-2tbsp heavy cream

-1 tbsp honey

-1 tbsp hot water

-chopped caramelized orange peel

Now you are prepared to start baking. Roll the crust out very thinly and lay it in a pie tin. Secure the pie from rising and bake it in the oven for 15 minutes. Then take the crust out, taking off anything that has helped you from rising and fill it with chocolate mixture. Put it back in the oven and bake for 20 more minutes. After the pie is cooled make ganache. Prepare it like the filling. Boil cream and pour over chocolate. Mix in honey and hot water. Add caramelized orange and pour over pie for glossy finish.

Končno je tu! Moj mesec december.

Obožujem praznično vzdušje, vonj, ki se vije po kuhinji, obilo pečenja, čez nekaj dni pa prihaja tudi moj rojstni dan!

Ker se od prvega decembra pri meni vrti samo praznična glasba, sem se odločila, da bodo tudi recepti v tem mesecu polni začimb značilnih za ta čas. Prvi tak recept je za čokoladno pito. Recept: Pečemo pri 180 stopinjah Celzija.


-240 g moke

-3 žlice kakava v prahu

-3 žlice sladkorja

-170 g masla

-1/3 skodelice svežega pomarančnega soka

-pomarančna skorjica

Skupaj zmešamo vse suhe sestavine. Dodamo jim mrzlo maslo, narezano na majhne kockice. Z rokami ga vmešamo v suhe sestavine, tako, da dobimo maso podobno drobtinicam. Dodamo še pomarančni sok in pomarančno lupinico, ter premešamo in vse skupaj združimo v kepo testa, ki ga zavijemo v prozorno folijo in pustimo počivati v hladilniku vsaj 45 minut. Paziti moramo, da testa ne gnetemo, saj bo drugače postal gumijasto.

Čokoladna zmes:

-235 ml smetane

-120 ml mleka

-280 g čokolade(jedilne ali miks z mlečno)

-2 žlici sladkorja


-2 jajci

-cimet in ingver v prahu

Smetano in mleko v posodi segrejemo, skoraj do vrenja. V drugo posodo položimo sesekljano čokolado, sladkor ter začimbe. Vrelo tekočino prelijemo čez čokolado, pustimo minutno, nato pa dobro premešamo. V drugi posodi stepemo dve jajci, tako, da postaneta svetlo rumene barve in polnega volumna. Počasi vmešamo jajca v nekoliko ohlajeno čokoladno maso.


-50 g jedilne čokolade

-2žlici smetane

-1 žlica meda

-1 žlica vrele vode

-koščki karamelizirane pomarančne lupinice

Sedaj imamo vse pripravljeno, tako da gremo proti pečici! J testo vzamemo iz hladilnika in ga razvaljamo na debelino približno pol centimetra. Položimo ga v pekač za pito. Zavarujemo, da se nam testo pri prvem delu peke ne bo dvignilo in damo v pečico. Prazno testo pečemo nekje med 10-15 minutami. Nato previdno odstranimo pripomočke, ki so nam pomagali, da se testo ni dvignilo, vanj pa vlijemo čokoladno maso. Nazaj v pečico, kjer pito pečemo še 20 minut. Nato jo vzamemo iz pečice in pustimo da se popolnoma ohladi. Tik preden prelijemo pito, napravimo preliv. Naredimo ga na isti način kot čokoladno zmes. Počakamo da se preliv strdi in tadaam. Pita je končana!





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